长江流域资源与环境 >> 2005, Vol. 14 >> Issue (2): 155-158.

• 资源环境与社会经济可持续发展 • 上一篇    下一篇


金凤君(1),牛树海(1,2),刘 毅(1)   

  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2005-03-20
  • 通讯作者: 金凤君


NIU Shu-hai(1, 2), JIN Feng-jun(1), LIU Yi(1)   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2005-03-20
  • Contact: JIN Feng-jun

摘要: 长江流域是我国经济最活跃,各种要素配置最具有潜力的地区,但在强烈的发展势头下,也存在着不少问题。通过对长江流域交通运输业全面的分析,对长江流域地区交通运输所面临的问题作了具体的剖析,认为交通运输就是长江流域地区阻碍经济社会可持续发展的主要因素之一,主要表现在没有形成综合交通运输网络,东西向交通运输方式单一;交通运输建设滞后于经济发展;流域内区域差异明显阻碍了区域一体化发展等方面,最后根据存在的问题提出了几点建议和发展措施。

关键词: 交通发展, 交通拉动系数, 长江流域

Abstract: The Yangtze Basin is a region with most flourishing economy and the allocation of all factors is most sound in China. The economy development is very speedy, but some problems exist. The transportation is a major factor to influence the sustainable development of economy and society in the Yangtze basin. In this paper, the author analyzes across-the-board the transportation of the Yangtze basin. There are some problems about transportation that block the development of economy and society such as shortages of integrated transportation network, construction of transportation lagging behind development of economy and regional difference of transportation. Finally, some advice and measures are put forward.

Key words: transportation, traffic driving coefficient, the Yangtze Basin

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