长江流域资源与环境 >> 2004, Vol. 13 >> Issue (6): 536-540.

• 自然资源 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 收稿日期:2004-01-09 修回日期:2004-03-29 出版日期:2004-11-20
  • 通讯作者: 倪绍祥


NI Shaoxiang   

  • Received:2004-01-09 Revised:2004-03-29 Online:2004-11-20
  • Contact: NI Shaoxiang

摘要: 20世纪90年代初以来,长江三角洲地区的经济发展非常迅猛。该地区经济一体化正在加速向前推进,新一轮经济建设的高潮已经来临,这将会给土地资源特别是耕地资源带来强大的冲击。面对这一新的形势,从土地管理的角度来说,应采取必要的应对策略。具体来说,在正确处理好经济建设与保护土地资源的关系的前提下,应该积极、主动地为工业化、城市化及改善人民生活条件做好供地服务。与此同时,应牢牢把握保护土地资源特别是耕地资源这条主线不动摇,正确处理好构筑商务成本“盆地”与防止国有土地资产流失的关系,并进一步规范土地市场,完善土地招标拍卖制度,按照正确的“经营城市”理念,积极探索土地储备的新模式。此外,应高度重视失地农民的生活保障问题。

关键词: 经济一体化, 土地资源, 土地管理, 长江三角洲

Abstract: Since early 1990's, the economic development in the Yangtze River Delta region has been in a very high speed. Recently, with the speedup of economic unification a new upsurge in economic development has emerged in this region, which will bring strong impact on its land resources, particularly on cultivated land resources. Facing this new situation and from the point view of land administration, some tactics to meet this situation must be adopted. In detail, under the prerequisite of making a better relation between economic development and protection of land resources, the services in supplying land resources for industrialization and urbanization as well as improving people's living condition should be more actively and initiatively enhanced. At the same time, the ideas to protect land resources, especially cultivated land resources should be more firmly and strongly kept in mind. In addition, the relation between the creation of the low valley for commercial costs and the preventon against losing of stateowned landed properties should be properly treated. Moreover, the land market should be more formally managed. Furthermore, the system of land inviting bids and auction has also to be improved, and the innovated way of land storage for future use should be more actively explored. Finally, more attention should be paid on the livelihood safeguard for the farmers who has lost or will lose all or part of their farmland in the course of land condemnation.

Key words: economic unification, land resources, land administration, the Yangtze River Delta

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