长江流域资源与环境 >> 2005, Vol. 14 >> Issue (1): 50-54.

• 自然资源 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2005-01-22
  • 通讯作者: 蔡庆华


GE Ji-wen(1,2),CAI Qing-hua(1),HU Hong-xing(3),LIU Jian-kang(1),CAO Guo-bin(2),LIU Sheng-xiang(4)   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2005-01-22
  • Contact: CAI Qing-hua

摘要: 使用直接计数法和专项调查法于1996年5月~2003年7月对湖北省珍稀濒危保护水禽物种多样性和种群数量进行了研究。结果表明:湖北省珍稀濒危保护水禽有45种,隶属于6目9科24属;记录到34种,其中有黄嘴白鹭和小苇鳽2个新记录种。按区系型分,古北界种类占优势,有35种,东洋种8种,广布种2种;按季节型分,冬候鸟为主体,有30种,夏候鸟8种,旅鸟5种,留鸟2种;按生活型分,涉禽23种,游禽22种,种类几乎相等。种群数量为41.1796万只。在45种珍稀水禽中,IUC红皮书水禽23种,8 247只;中国红皮书水禽22种,3 615只;CITES濒危水禽23种,40.631 6万只;国家重点保护水禽24种,3 838只。角等11种水禽未发现,可能已绝迹或极度濒危。按水禽1 %地理种群数量的标准,洪湖、沉湖、龙感湖、梁子湖、网湖等湿地可以确定为国际重要湿地。

关键词: 珍稀濒危保护水禽, 物种多样性, 种群大小, 湿地, 湖北省

Abstract: Based on field survey from May 1996 to June 2003, species diversity, distribution and population sizes of rare, endangered and national key protected wetland waterfowls in Hubei province of central China were studied with direct counting and special survey. There were 45 species of these waterfowl in Hubei's wetlands, belonging to 24 genera of 9 families of 6 orders, in which 34 species were recorded. Two species,Egretta eulophotes and Ixobrychus minutus were firstly recorded in Hubei. In terms of geographical distribution types, the Palaearctic, Oriental and Cosmopolitan species numbers were 35, 8 and 2 respectively. The Palaearctic species were dominant. According to the seasonal pattern, 30 species were winter migrant, 8 were summer migrant, 5 were traveling birds and 2 species were resident. The Grallatores (23 species) were nearly equal to the Natatores (22 species). About 41.1796 ×104 individuals were estimated as the total number of these kinds of waterfowls in Hubei province. Twentythree species with 8247 individuals were the IUCN red list of threatened birds, 22 species with 3615 individuals were listed as the China red list of threatened birds,23 species with 40.6316×104 individuals were ranked the threatened birds by CITES, and 24 species with 3838 individuals were graded as the national key protected birds. Eleven species were not recorded within our investigation, and it showed that they could be extinct in the wild or critically endangered in Hubei wetlands. The result showed that Honghu, Chenhu,Longganhu, Liangzihu and Wanghu Lakes could be ascertained as the Ramsar international key wetlands in terms of 1 % criterion of the globe waterfowl geographical population.

Key words: rare

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