长江流域资源与环境 >> 2005, Vol. 14 >> Issue (2): 163-167.

• 自然资源 • 上一篇    下一篇


陈西庆,陈 进   

  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2005-03-20
  • 通讯作者: 陈西庆


CHEN Xi-qing, CHEN Jin   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2005-03-20
  • Contact: CHEN Xi-qing

摘要: 回顾总结了我国近年来在水资源配置方面的理论研究和工作进展,论述了我国水资源配置的特点及其与联合国倡导的水资源综合管理的相互关系,阐述了长江流域水资源综合管理在我国的重要地位。提出我国开展的水资源配置在重视公众参与的基础上,与水资源综合管理是一致的。长江流域水资源综合管理是一个多学科、跨学科的研究课题。流域层面的水资源综合管理是国家层面和行业层面水资源配置的基础。长江水资源综合管理应该遵循水文系统优先的原则,使水资源利用和管理在流域层面上首先达到优化状态。环境用水需求是一个重要课题,它是流域层面水资源配置的基础,急待开展大量的研究。在流域系统优先原则下,各行政区与水用户参与者在讨论和协商的基础上,确定共同的准则、目标和具体措施,在不损害它方利益的前提下都能取得自己的利益。具体细化新《水法》中提出的流域管理与行政管理相结合的原则是开展长江水资源综合管理的关键。《长江法》的制定应该为水资源综合管理提供具体的法律依据。流域与地方水利机构的体制改革是十分重要的,它应该为开展水资源综合管理创造条件。在我国国情条件下,水资源综合管理中的用户参与应该如何开展,需要研究和实践。

关键词: 水资源配置, 水资源综合管理, 长江流域, 水法, 长江法

Abstract: This paper reviews the recent achievements in the study of water resources allocation, discussing the characteristics of water resources allocation in China and its relationships with Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) advocated by the United Nations, emphasizing the importance of IWRM in the Yangtze Basin for the entire Chinese society. The water resources allocation in China is consistent with IWRM. The IWRM in the Yangtze drainage basin is a scientific issue with multi-disciplinary characteristics. The IWRM at the basin level is a fundamental basis for water resource allocation at national level and at economic sector level. Priorities should be given to entire hydrological system, so as to firstly optimize the water resource utilization and management at basin level. As a basis for water allocation at basin level, the environmental water requirement is an important issue and should receive much attention. Under the priority principle, the administration in each province in the basin and water-users may find the common guild-lines, goals and detailed measures through discussions and negotiations, so that each party can reach its own interests without causing any harm to other parties. To follow the principle of “the integration of river basin management with provincial management”, as stated in “the Water Laws”, is a key point in the future for the IWRM. The Yangtze Law, which is to be established should provide detailed legal articles for implementing IWRM. The institutional reforms are necessary both for the river basin commission and for the provincial administrations, in order to create a favorable environment for implementing IWRM. To enforce the public participation is an important challenge in China and requires extensive studies.

Key words: water resources allocation, integrated water resources management, the Yangtze Basin, Water Laws, the Yangtze River Laws

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