长江流域资源与环境 >> 2006, Vol. 15 >> Issue (2): 152-156.

• 资源环境与社会经济可持续发展 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 收稿日期:2005-02-01 修回日期:2005-09-16 出版日期:2006-03-20
  • 通讯作者: 佘之祥


SHE Zhi-xiang   

  • Received:2005-02-01 Revised:2005-09-16 Online:2006-03-20
  • Contact: SHE Zhi-xiang

摘要: 长江三角洲是中国最大的综合性经济区,其土地面积占全国的1%,人口占6%,但GDP占全国的20%(2003年),为国家提供的财政收入占全国的22%。历史文化悠久,是中国的富庶之区,也是中国和东南亚与世界各国经济文化交流最早的地区之一;现代的科技、文化、教育亦比较发达。近25年来,长江三角洲的高速发展和外向型经济有密切关系,主要表现为:①吸引了大量外资,促进了本区的经济增长;②对外贸易大幅度增加;③外资企业获得了丰厚利润,也为当地提供了就业岗位和税收。目前长江三角洲对外经济联系主要是欧美、日本和韩国;台湾、香港、澳门在中国的地位特殊,对该区投资也不断增加。东南亚在该区的对外经济贸易中所占比重不高,但是中国与新加坡合作在苏州举办的新加坡工业园,已取得明显的成就,说明中国与东南亚有广泛的发展前景。分析了当前长江三角洲产业结构、资源与环境存在的问题,对未来的发展和国际经济合作与发展中的问题作了分析。

关键词: 长江三角洲, 发展, 外向型经济

Abstract: The Changjiang River Delta covers only 1% of the area in China as a whole, but is the largest comprehensive economic zone in the country. Although its population is only 6% of the total population, the GDP in this zone accounts for 20% of the whole country, supplying 22% of financial revenue for the country, indicating that the status of this area is very important in the country. With a long history, the Changjiang River Delta is rich in terms of cultural heritages in China, and it has the longest history with cultural and economic exchange with the Southeast Asian countries. Modern science and technology, culture and education have been developed comparatively well in this area. In the last 25 years, the rapid development in the Changjiang River Delta has been closely related with the development of foreign oriented economy: a large amount of foreign capitals has been attracted to this area, which has in turn promoted the economic development in this area; the foreign trade in this area has increased substantially; the foreigncapitalized enterprises have gained plentiful profits and also provided employment positions and tax revenue in this area. At present, the main foreign economic relationship of the Changjiang River Delta is with Europe and United States, Japan and South Korea; Taiwan, Hongkong and Macao have special status in China and their investments in the Changjiang River Delta account for the largest proportion and have been increasing constantly. Although the foreign economy and trade with the Southeast Asian countries does not account for a large proportion in the Changjiang River Delta, the Singapore Industrial Park in Suzhou, which is jointly invested by Singapore and China, has gained enormous financial and industrial achievements, showing that the cooperation between China and the Southeast Asian countries has a wide and prospective significance. This paper has analyzed the present industrial structure, the existing problem in relation to resources and environment, and forecasted the future development and the potential prospect in this area in respect of the cooperation with the Southeast Asian countries.

Key words: Changjiang River Delta, development, foreign oriented economy

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