长江流域资源与环境 >> 2006, Vol. 15 >> Issue (3): 366-371.

• 农业发展 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 收稿日期:2005-09-15 修回日期:2005-11-03 出版日期:2006-05-20
  • 通讯作者: 倪朝辉


LI Li-yin1,2,NI Zhao-hui1,2,LI Yun-feng1,2,WU Hui-bi1,2,PENG Gui-yuan3   

  • Received:2005-09-15 Revised:2005-11-03 Online:2006-05-20
  • Contact: NI Zhao-hui

摘要: 涨渡湖湿地渔业进行人力的利用起始于1952年,渔业生产主要是以人工投放、天然生长为主,鱼类资源自然增殖为辅的粗放型管理模式。1992~2004年每年平均投放大规格鲢、鳙鱼种量为279 014.8 kg,平均捕捞量为755 439 kg,平均捕捞收入为3 329 143.52元,产量变幅范围为36 691~506 135 kg,其中有9个年份变幅在100 000 kg以上。涨渡湖湿地渔业利用存在产权与经营权分离、沉水植物急剧消退、菱角资源未加合理利用、灌江纳苗与分洪调蓄不能协调等方面问题。从常规鱼类放养型渔业、名优鱼类精养型渔业以及综合型渔业方面对涨渡湖湿地生态渔业可持续发展生产模式进行了相关探讨,提出了建立江湖联系机制的4点建议;并在优化生产模式、合理利用资源、调整产业结构、促进经济发展、严格控制污染、搞好综合治理、加强宣传管理、促进湿地恢复等方面提出了针对涨渡湖湿地的一系列保护对策。

关键词: 涨渡湖, 湿地, 灌江纳苗, 生态渔业, 江湖联系, 保护对策

Abstract: Fishery industry in Zhangduhu Lake started in 1952. The fish fries were mainly restocked into the lake artificially and they grew naturally in the lake while fishes propagated naturally in the lake as a compensation of the fishery resource. From 1992 to 2004, 279 014.8 kg large sized fingerlings of silver carp and bighead carp were restocked in the lake and the average capture of fish is 755 439 kg annually. The average annual income was 3 329 143.52 RMB. The fishery production varied between 36 691~506 135 kg annually with a fishery production higher than 100 000 kg in 9 years. The problems that hinder the full utilization of the fishery resource in Zhangduhu Lake is the separation of property right and the management right, the dramatic decrease in bottom hydrophytes, the waste of water-chestnut resources, the non-harmonimous measures of fry intake through flood and flood discharge for flood control. In this paper, the authors proposed a sustainable development model for Zhangduhu Lake, which includes the stocking of mainly cultured fish, intensive culture of precious fish species and the overall utilization of the fishery. A series of protection measurements were proposed for Zhangduhu Lake, including optimization of production model to obtain rational utilization of resources, adjustment of production structure to ensure economical development, tight control of pollution to obtain all-around management, enhanced propaganda and management to speed up the recovery of wetland.

Key words: Zhangduhu Lake, wetland, floodin fry from the river, ecological fishery, lakeriver communication, protection countermeasure

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