长江流域资源与环境 >> 2015, Vol. 24 >> Issue (06): 925-930.doi: 10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201506004

• 自然资源 • 上一篇    下一篇


尹占娥1, 田娜1, 殷杰2, 迟潇潇1   

  1. 1. 上海师范大学旅游学院地理系, 上海 200234;
    2. 浙江工商大学旅游与城市管理学院, 浙江 杭州 310018
  • 收稿日期:2014-05-19 修回日期:2014-06-30 出版日期:2015-06-20
  • 作者简介:尹占娥(1963~ ),女,教授,博士,主要从事城市地理与公共安全研究.zhaneyin@126.com
  • 基金资助:


YIN Zhan-e1, TIAN Na1, YIN Jie2, CHI Xiao-xiao1   

  1. 1. Department of Geography, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China;
    2. School of Tourism and City Management Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou 310018, China
  • Received:2014-05-19 Revised:2014-06-30 Online:2015-06-20

摘要: 基于遥感开展城市湿地资源与生态服务价值研究是当前生态环境研究的热点问题之一。利用1987年、2000年和2007年的Landsat遥感影像,利用遥感和地理空间分析方法,结合野外调查及研究区相关资料,监测了1987~2007年上海市湿地资源的变动情况,并借助生态系统服务价值理论,估算研究区1987~2007年湿地资源的生态服务价值变化。结果表明:(1)1987~2007年间上海市湿地资源呈现不断退化的趋势,特别是2000年后退化趋势明显,主要表现在稻田、河流、库塘、滩涂等湿地面积的显著减少;(2)1987~2007年上海市湿地生态服务总价值呈下降趋势,其中河流、库塘、稻田的生态服务价值减少,滩涂、湖泊的生态服务价值增加。上海湿地资源与生态服务价值的变化主要是城市化快速发展导致的。以上研究结果,可为政府城市发展中对湿地资源的保护、开发和利用提供依据。

关键词: 遥感, 湿地, 生态服务价值, 上海

Abstract: Wetland ecological system, forest and ocean are the world's three major ecosystems. Now, with the environmental changes and increasing human activities, the decrease of wetland resource is becoming more and more serious. It is the current hot topic in the research field of wetland ecosystem. The purpose of this paper is to analyze city wetland resources and ecosystem service value based on remote sensing. Using the Landsat remote sensing images in 1987, 2000 and 2007, combined with field investigation and geography datum of research area, the wetland resources in Shanghai from 1987 to 2007 were monitored by RS and GIS analysis method. The ecosystem service value theory was employed to estimate the ecosystem service value of the wetland resources' change in the study area. The results showed that: first, the wetland resources in Shanghai exhibited a gradual deterioration from 1987 to 2007, mainly in the decrease of wetland areas, especially after the year of 2000, when a significant reduction of paddy fields, rivers, ponds and shoaly lands were found. The wetland areas reduced 152 203.16 square hectometer, accounting for 18.84% of all wetland areas, among them rivers reduced 3 542.79 square hectometer, reduced by 8.17%; ponds reduced 1 489.13 square hectometer, reduced by 4.46%; paddy fields reduced 115 122.7 square hectometer, reduced by 38.87%, which is the highest of all reductions, mainly because of the transformation into industrial land, residential area and commercial crop planting areas. Only lake areas show a slight increase, and increased about 597.26 square hectometer, or increased by 9.64%. From 1987 to 2007, lakes decreased first and then increased, attributing to the construction of Dishui Lakes in 2007. Secondly, the reductions of the wetland areas have leaded to the corresponding change of ecosystem service value in Shanghai. The general wetland ecological value in Shanghai showed a downward trend, among which the ecosystem service value of rivers decreased 0.03 million, ponds decreased 0.44 million and paddy fields decreased 5.88 million, while the ecosystem services value of beaches increased 0.15 million and shoaly lands increased 1.66 million. According to the analysis, appropriate measures were proposed to deal with these problems, such as the rebalance between land use and wetland protection, preserving wetland while developing the economy, realizing the synchronous development of economy, ecological and social benefits; building wetland information database and enhancing the monitoring of wetland dynamics to provide a basis for wetland protection; propagandizing wetland culture to let people know the importance of wetland. The decreases of wetland resources and the value of ecosystem services in Shanghai are mainly a result of rapid urbanization, which may attach importance to the protection, development and use of wetland resources in urban development for the government to provide evidence.

Key words: remote sensing, wetlands, ecosystem service value, Shanghai


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