长江流域资源与环境 >> 2009, Vol. 18 >> Issue (7): 674-.

• 生态环境 • 上一篇    下一篇


许薇薇, 袁旭音, 黄小荣   

  1. 1.河海大学浅水湖泊综合治理与资源开发教育部重点实验室|江苏 南京 210098;2.河海大学环境科学与工程学院|江苏 南京 210098
  • 出版日期:2009-07-20


  1. 1.Key Laboratory of Integrated Regulation and Resource Development on Shallow Lakes|Ministry of Education|Nanjing 210098|China;2.Department of Environmental Science and Engineering〖QS〗|Hohai University|Nanjing 210098|China
  • Online:2009-07-20


城市河道污染物的季节性变化能够反映出人类活动的强度和方式,研究其规律能够有效地进行污染控制。通过对南通通吕运河河滩4个采样区域沉积物中总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、有机质(OM)和重金属含量的分析,研究城市河流的不同污染源段河滩沉积物营养元素和重金属的季节性含量一般特征。结果表明:在位于入江口的1号区域,营养元素和重金属含量的季节变化比较大, TN、TP、OM和重金属在冬季含量较高;在2号区域居民生活污染较多,Cu、Zn含量较高;3号区域受工业污染较为严重,Pb、Cr、Cd含量较高。由于外来污染源较多,2号和3号区域的污染物季节变化无明显规律。在人类污染物较少的4号区域,污染物含量较低,一般表现出冬高夏低的季节变化。TN、TP、OM与金属之间的相关性研究表明:TN和OM的相关性较好,有机质与重金属之间的相关性也较好。总体来看,城市河道的污染状况与人类活动密切相关。

关键词: 沉积物, 营养元素, 重金属, 季节变化, 通吕运河


The characteristics of seasonal change for pollutants in the urban river can reflect the intensity and mode of human activities.It is effective to control pollutants by studying the rule of these changes.Based on the analysis of the total nitrogen (TN),total phosphorus (TP),organic matter (OM) and heavy metals in the sediments of Tonglv River in different polluted areas,the seasonal characteristics of the different areas of the urban river are showed.In No.1 area where TN,TP,OM and heavy metals are the highest in winter seasonal changes are obvious.In No.2 area,the contents of Cu,Zn are the highest of all the areas.In No.3 area,the contents of Pb,Cr,Cd are the highest of all the areas.It shows that the characteristics of seasonal changes are not so obvious in No.2 and No.3 areas because of the inconstant anthropogenic input.In No.4 area,the contents of pollutants are the lowest and TN,TP,OM,heavy metals are higher in autumn and winter than in spring and summer.Studies of the correlation between elements indicate that there is a good consistency between TN and OM,but it is various between OM and heavy metals.It is indicated that pollutants in sediments are disturbed markedly by human beings in urban rivers.

Key words: sediments, nutrients, heavy metals, seasonal variation, Tonglv River

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